Thursday, March 21, 2013

Best plans of mice and men........

Best laid plans of mice and men...

How often have we heard that phrase and can finish it. "They often go awry".
Well after my post yesterday, I decided to take pictures of some of the things I need to eliminate. My camera batteries were dead. I find I do not have the size I need in the house so now it waits till Saturday-store day.
I really struggle with trying to accomplish something and not getting it done or how to do it. I am also not a good organizer. When my plans change or do not go the way I think they should it really throws me. I can totally understand how "hoarders" get caught up in their messes.
I have a mess in the dining room. Box for things to donate to Goodwill. Box for things for my grandchildren. Box for things for my sisters. Box for things I would like to sell even tho I am not sure yet how I will do that.
Does anyone else struggle with sorting and organizing items? Am I the only one who cares about these things? Are the grand kids or my sisters really interested in what I have set aside for them. What to do and how to sell doll things or vintage items?
Sometimes I just am so overwhelmed I cannot accomplish anything.


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