Thursday, May 20, 2010


It is great to watch grandchildren grow and change, but it is also bittersweet. Two of my grandsons will graduate from High School this year. One is going to IU and the other is going into the Air Force. I realize that our relationship will change and that is more difficult for me then when my children "left the nest". When they come home for visits, their time will be taken up with friends and mom & dad. I hope they save some time for Mammaw. It has been so wonderful to watch them grow into fine young men. My mom used to tell me grandchildren were the best thing ever and if she had known how great it was she would have had them first (haHa). Children give joy, work and lots of worry; grandchildren give joy without the work and worry. You still worry, but not about the day to day things. I would not take any money in the world for the hugs and kisses and talks they give me. I look forward in some ways to the future and what it might hold for all 10 of my grandchildren. What will they become, what will they do, where will they go, but I also wish time would slow down. Hopefully I will take time this summer to spend as much time as possible and hold them close for awhile.


  1. Life goes by so fast , when your young everyone warns you when your older we start to sound like our parents.

    They have to grow and go it just seems so fast.

    As the spirt moves ya I would love to read about family things, any and all.

    Glad your around maybe we need to get Becky, Penny and Mom going?

  2. I tried to get your mom on facebook, but she is so afraid she will download a virus she won't do it for me. Maybe you can talk her into it. I love reading your thoughts these are things maybe we need to ask and learn how someone feels, but just don't take the time. I would like to make a book of Doc & Mary's letter with a little of the history of their lives at each time. They wrote a lot to each other and the fact that they each held on to the others letters says alot about the depth of their love.

  3. Awsome idea on the book!

    I will work on mom we could get a lot out of all four girls writing.

  4. Love the ideas, and now that you are fully retired mom you shouldn't have a problem doing that. :-)There are photo books you can make, you could scan the letters in and add photos, that would be an awesome thing to do.

  5. Remember with todays technology they can keep in contact better w/ their Mammaw that knows how to use the computer! How Blessed. Congrats on your graduates and please tell the grandchild going into the Air Force, thank you & God Bless for me. I will keep in my prayers.

  6. janis, thanks, my daughter says I need to get a laptop with web cam hook up. I have always enjoyed the technology of today and computers.
