Saturday, May 29, 2010


Last blog was about keepsakes. Well, what about "stuff"? I have too much stuff. Ask my kids and husband. I have asked what are they going to do with this when I die. My husband said just set it by the side of the road. I said if he did that I would come back and haunt him. I have 2 huge totes of stamped lines ready to be embroidered. The granddaughters have shown some interest in that, I know I will probably not get them done. Then there is my fabric-5-6 huge totes of fabric and projects started but not yet finished. I have quilt blocks and quilt pieces cut out for table centerpieces and quilts, but will I get them finished? I have doll clothes I started when the girls still played with dolls. I have scraps of material from my daughters wedding dress (a dear friend made it). And we won't mention the mending basket. Then there are the dolls I was going to repair, some are very old, purchased on ebay when I was going to open a doll hospital. And silks for arrangements since that is a skill developed when I worked. Cermaics to paint, beads to string, decoupage to do, cardmaking and scrapbooking and all the tools and supplies. Oh yes and doll house furniture kits (ebay again) to furnish the doll house. Who will want any of this or do I sell it now and then what do I do since I am retired? Oh, I forgot the yarn for making afghans and the several hundred of books I have yet to read. Is it any wonder that my dust bunnies are growing? Who has time to clean? I want to finish so many things and as you get older you get slower. Some things I need to let go, but like I have said I am a "collector" and there is always the idea that maybe I will get things done:)

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